With over 85 years in the gaming industry, Universal Manufacturing is the oldest custom manufacturer of paper game tickets in the world.
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VFW has partnered with Universal Manufacturing a Division of Arrow International to offer gaming tickets with the trademark protected VFW logo. Check out the catalog today!
Jar tickets are sometimes called "paper" tickets because they are constructed of paper that is folded, wrapped with a band, and then glued.
Pull tabs are available in a wide variety of unique ticket themes with many different play styles. Select the ticket categories below to view our popular pull tabs and follow the links for more information.
1 Window 110 Count Multi-Packs
- UVP0001 - Celebrities Multi-Pack
- UVP0002 - TAILS Multi-Pack
- UVP0004 - Pistol Pete / Mary Pop Open / I Dream of Genie / The Tin Man / Fast Frankie /Crystal Claire Multi Pack
- UVP0005 - World of Wonders Multi-Pack
- UVP0006 - Off Their Rocker Multi-Pack
- UVP00070 & UVP00071 - Creek Critters Multi-Pack
- UVP00072 & UVP00073 - Down on the Farm Multi-Pack
1 Window Multi-Game Packs
- UVP0026 - Firemen's Pack 480 count Multi-Pack
- UVP0063, UVP0064, UVP0065, UVP0066, UVP0067, UVP0068, UVP0069 - The Booze Pack Multi-Pack 112,160, 192, 240, 336, 352 & 480 counts
- UVP0074 - Animal Picker 820 count Multi-Pack
- UVP0075, UVP0076, UVP0077, UVP0078, UVP0079, UVP0080, UVP0081, UVP0082, UVP0083, UVP0084, UVP0085 - Color My World Multi-Pack
- UVP0089, UVP0090, UVP0091, UVP0092, UVP0093, UVP0094, UVP0095 - Aviation Multi-Pack
- UVP0102, UVP0103, UVP0104, UVP0105, UVP0106, UVP0107, UVP0108, UVP0109 - In The Box Multi-Pack
- UVP0114, UVP0115, UVP0116, UVP0117, UVP0118, UVP0119, UVP0119, UVP0120, UVP0121, UVP0122, UVP0123, UVP0124, UVP0125 - Bingo Multi Pack
- UVP0130, UVP0131, UVP0132, UVP0133, UVP0134, UVP0135, UVP0136, UVP0137, UVP0138, UVP0139 - Work of Art Flyer
- UVP0143 - Mary Pop Open Multi-Pack
- UVP0144, UVP0145, UVP0146, UVP0147, UVP0148, UVP0149, UVP0150 - Patriotic Multi-Pack
- UVP0152, UVP0153, UVP0154, UVP0155, UVP0156, UVP0157, UVP0158, UVP0159, UVP0160, UVP0161 - Let’s Eat Multi-Pack
- UVP0165, UVP0166, UVP0167, UVP0168, UVP0169, UVP0170, UVP0171, UVP0172, UVP0173, UVP0174 - Egg Multi-Pack
- UVP0175, UVP0176, UVP0177, UVP0178, UVP0179, UVP0180, UVP0181, UVP0182, UVP0183, UVP0185, UVP0186 - Fishy Multi-Pack
- UVP0188, UVP0189, UVP0190, UVP0191, UVP0192, UVP0193, UVP0194, UVP0195, UVP0196, UVP0197, UVP0198 - Beavers, Peckers & Nuts Multi-Pack
1 Window Seals
- 1W660BNBKC, 1W660FLM7C/1W660HWHC - Banana Bucks/Flaming 7's/Hollywood Hogs
- 1W660ATBC, 1W660PDNC - At The Bar/Put Down My Nuts
Subset Prize Boards
- 1W3888JOLLYA, 1W3888JOLLYB - Jolly Juicies
- 1W3888JBEANA, 1W3888JBEANB - Jelly Beans
- 1W3888NFAMA, 1W3888NFAMB - Nut Family
- 1W3840PFS - Pulling for Slots
- 1W3840GYF - Get your Fix
- 1W3840FLG - Feelin' Groovy
- 1W3840KNH - Knuckleheads
Prize Boards
- 1WFMB, 1WFMBLS - Fireman’s Bonus
- 1WMAI, 1WMAILS, 1WCHIP, 1WCHIPLS, 1WAPD, 1WAPDLS - Master Illusionist, Chip Off The Slots, Action Packed Diamonds
3 Window Instant
5 Window Instant
5 Window Seals
- BABY200 Baby Bankers
Double-Sided 1 Window Seals
New Double-Sided Forms Coming Soon!
Important Notice: Due to rapidly changing laws and regulations, we cannot be responsible for the legality of the use of the product by any particular purchaser. Purchasers should determine for themselves that the use of this product is permitted in their locality.